Looking For A Camera For Christmas?

People always ask me what kind of camera I would get if I were them.  If it were me it would be the Canon G11 hands down.  I have the G9 which came out several years ago and it is a great camera, more functions than almost anyone will use.  This is the camera most professionals have as their family camera.  I have seen images that have been entered in professional competitions done with this camera and if you look on my blog you will see the images done this fall in Suches were done on this camera.  I have also used it to photograph my girls events – awards banquets, cheer competitions and concerts.  Basically you don't need the camera that will let you use different lenses, this lens is better than most kit lenses you will get.  Like I said we use the G9 and my parents have the G10.  Great cameras, small, point and shoot with lots of extras.

This is a link to the camera at B&H Camera.