Not Quite Déjà vu

Last week I had to go to an advisement meeting at my old photography school and the trip brought back a few memories.  Since it was a nice day I took the motorcycle up what used to be back roads to the school and so much had changed just in the roads.  As I pulled into town, the apartment that I used to live in was gone, the vacant house we used for a haunted house is now a realty office and the photography department has been moved for the second time since I left.  I drove by my old dorm and the building where I took my photography classes and the memories came flooding back.  While driving by a gas station I remembered getting gas and overhearing a conversation between two men saying that they would never pay $1 for a gallon of gas.  On my way home I had to stop and get gas and paid $3 more a gallon than gas was when I was in school.  Then, as I was walking out of the gas station I looked across the lot and saw my old Monte Carlo, or one just like it, getting gas.  Oh how the memories came flooding back.

So, enough of that.  Since then we have been busy getting things ready to mail for the class of 2013 and photographing gymnasts, children and seniors.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!
