Bearded Man Portraits – Zach

Bentley Photography is looking for bearded men for our Bearded Man portrait project.

Around Christmas I was wanting to work on some new things and thought that we would have lots of free time on our hands after Christmas and in January.  We had talked about a few projects and posted something about looking for models for a few of the projects.  One Saturday morning Chance sent me to Michael’s to get some things and I saw this man with a great beard that was just what I was looking for to photograph.  As he was leaving the store I approached him about photographing him and his beard, which was a little awkward for him I am sure, and he agreed to come to the studio and do something sometime.  As luck would have it the day after Christmas my mom suffered two small strokes and spent the next week in the hospital and three more in a rehab facility.  After that life hit us pretty hard around the studio and things got put on the back burner.  Around the end of January we were able to meet with Zack and his wife at the studio, only to learn that he hated having his picture made, when I first looked in on him filling our some paperwork he looked like he was at the doctor’s office.  We moved on to the camera room and he soon relaxed and we had a blast talking to him and his wife and getting to know some of his interests.  And the best thing is that along the way we captured some amazing images!

This is going to be an ongoing project for us this year, so if you have a beard or know someone who does get them in touch with us.  Anyone who participates in this project with us will get the session along with one 8×10 free for helping us out, and we might make you famous too!  We plan on featuring our Bearded Man portraits here on the blog and in the studio for the world to see, and you never know it could go further than that.  The first image of Zach below will be part of the Professional Photographers of America International print exhibit at its annual convention in Atlanta next year.  Who knows, you could be next! We are interested in all kinds of beards, long, short, curly, straight, black, graying or white.  We will talk to you about what to bring to wear and if needed to tell a story we might even suggest some type of props.  If you are interested in participating in this project please call the studio at 770-867-2853 and lets talk.

bearded man, portrait, photographer, Atlanta area photographer

bearded man, portrait, photographer, Atlanta area photographer

bearded man, portrait, photographer, Atlanta area photographer

Bentley Photography

Bearded Man Portrait Project

Winder, Georgia