You Did What!

Over the last few months this topic just keeps coming back to my mind.  After being a photographer for the last 30 years I have lots of memories of this profession, both good and bad.  All the time people ask me why I became a photographer and how long I have been doing it.  So today begins a series about who, what, where and why.  Just who I am, what I did, where I did and have done it and why I did and still do it.  That didn't make much since!  Also about Chance and where she came from and how we met and started our own business.  I'm not sure how long this will last, or if you are even interested, but it begins today.

How It began, or how I remember it anyway.

When I was in high school I worked in the afternoons in Lawrenceville at a warehouse to save money for photography school.  Between my junior and senior year of high school I purchased my first professional camera, a Mamiya RB67, and my life has never been the same since.  Over the next few months I will tell you a little about what all has happened since that day and what led us to where we are today.

At the age of 17 I had decided that I wanted to be a photographer.  I have never been sure what the exact thing that made me want to do photography was but have a few theories.  For many years I have thought it might have been National Geographic magazine and the beautiful images that came each month between its covers.  Then again it could have also been World Book Encyclopedia.  World Book back then was a lot like the internet is now, if you wanted to know about something you picked up a volume of the encyclopedia and looked it up.  I  must have been looking for something in the ā€œPā€ volume and came across photography.  It was like that, you started looking for something and got sidetracked and forgot what you were originally looking for.  Whatever the case it was decided at a young age that photography would be my profession.